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27th July 2024 
About Counselling. Beccynewpiccloser

Counsellor and Psychotherapist in Richmond upon Thames, (Barnes and Richmond) West London - Beccy Lindsay

About Counselling

What is therapy and counselling?

Therapy offers you, or you and your partner, a safe, confidential place to talk about your life and anything that may be frightening, upsetting or painful. It will help you to get listened to and to listen to each other, with a trained counsellor present to guide the process, in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

I offer both short-term and long-term work. Short-term counselling offers the chance to focus on a particular difficulty or a selected target area. My way of working is integrative; I combine training which is psychoanalytic and relational and work in a person-centred way. Although we talk about you, my style is friendly and conversational. We'll explore the issues on your mind and what they are doing to your life. We'll look at the coping strategies that you use; where they keep you stuck and where they are still useful to you. We'll work through these so that you can stop repeating in a way that harms you and help you to surface from these patterns. In our search, we'll find out about your childhood experiences and how they still weigh on you, holding you back from progressing and having the life that you hope for.

Therapy offers an opportunity to think about yourself or your relationship and your concerns in a way that you often can’t do with family and friends. I will offer a place and time which is just for you, to talk about those things that bother you. By listening to the way you feel and how this effects you and others, I will give you a chance to tell me about your life and a space to think about what is happening to you. Your session will be a chance for you to be accepted for the way you are and help you to make the changes that you would like to happen. I will help us to create a good understanding, so that we can work well together to improve such aspects as your coping mechanisms and self esteem.

Our sessions will be confidential which means that I adhere to the ethical framework of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and am a registered ICO (Information Commissioner's Office) member for protecting your privacy.

Psychoanalytic therapies:

Psychoanalytic therapy is based on an individual's unconscious thoughts and perceptions that have developed throughout their childhood, and how these affect their current behaviour and thoughts. Deeply buried memories or experiences may be causing you distress. These may have to do with issues like abuse, violence, addiction and bullying or they may have had to do with parental criticism and/or the feeling that you would not be able to meet a standard that seemed to be set for you, or satisfy the expectations of others.

Person-centred therapies

Person-centred therapies focus on self-development, growth and responsibilities. They seek to help individuals recognise their strengths, creativity and choice in the 'here and now'.

A video-link session or the environment of my counselling room offers you a Person-Centred approach, which means that we will focus on your self worth and values. Being valued for who you are, can help you to accept yourself, reconnect with yourself, and get your life, career and relationships back on track, or on track for the first time.

Relational Therapy

Relational Therapy is in some ways the 'big picture' of our sessions. I guide our interaction in the light of all the influences that have brought us into the session, including the immediate present, the influences of the past and the social factors like culture, race and gender that shape us. Awareness is a key factor to setting you free from repetition of unhealthy patterns in your relationships, in your workplace and what happens to you when are out in the world.

To email me for further information, please click here:

To email me directly, please click here: